I'm delighted to able to report that my wee colony goes from strength to strength.
This year was the most successful to date, with 24 pairs of Tree Sparrows nesting successfully in my garden nest boxes, most with 3 broods each.
On the plus side, all but 1 of my new rectangular boxes were used this year, with the occupants constructing beautiful tunnel entrances to their nests.
Unfortunately, only one nest was only partially constructed in just one of the boxes of my three multi-box boxes & although I had dozens of House Sparrows visiting my feeders each day & spending most of their day in my garden, none of them used these nest boxes either. I'm guessing they prefer the building cavities of the old farm buildings, at the nearby farm.
I finally saw my first Tree Sparrow eggs this Autumn. As I was carrying out my Autumn inspection of the boxes I found two beautiful eggs in one box & one in another.
Other birds which nested in my garden this year included two pairs of Swifts, one pair of Swallows, One pair of Magpies, two pairs of Jackdaws, six pairs of Starlings & one pair of Woodpigeons, one pair of Willow Warblers plus Blue Tits, Great Tits, Blackbirds, Wrens, Dunnocks & Robins.